Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church

All are welcome to come and celebrate mass with us!

Rectory Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays
11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Sundays 11:30 A.M.
Church Open Hours:
Our Lady of Fatima Church is open
Sunday through Saturday: 7:30 AM - 5PM
for visits before the Blessed Sacrament.
Parish Office: 814-942-0371
or call the Cathedral Office at 944-4603
Click Here for This Weeks Bulletin
Bulletin Updated 9-30-2024
Fund Raisers have been updated 1-23-2024
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Parishioners wishing to receive the sacrament of healing may call the Cathedral Parish Office to make arrangements. 814-944-4603
Eucharist for the home bound - weekly:
Patty Flanagan 942-0371 for arrangements.
Web: www.holytrinitycatholic.school
Altoona Campus (Pre-K thru Grade 4) - 381-7011
Hollidaysburg Campus (Pre-K thru Grade 4) - 695-6112
Middle School Campus (Grades 5 thru 8) - 942-7835
Director of Religious Education:
Chris Laraia – Pre-K thru 8 - 312-7317
Religious Education Office: Sundays – 943-7424
Director of Music Ministry
Leslie C. Thayer, MM, CAGO
Music Ministry Office - 944-2044
E-Mail: lthayer@dioceseaj.org
Reconciliation @ Cathedral: 7:00 PM Wednesday
12:30 PM Saturday
Religious Education @ Cathedral: Pre-K through 11
Sacramental Formation @ Cathedral: First Reconciliation
First Communion
Sacramental Formation @ the Cathedral: Baptismal Prep
Marriage Prep
Christian Initiation
Hospital Visitation: Call the Cathedral: 944-4603